
The Simple, 4-Step Method That Will Take You From A Struggling TEFL Teacher to Being a Fully Booked, Well-Paid, and Confident Professional!
Hustling and Living Life On Your Own Terms…

Frustrated Mature Female with laptop

Well now you can discover how your age will be an asset and not a liability!

Inside this program, you will find a foolproof system that allows ANYONE to get the attention of recruiters and students in no time…

Now, we’re publishing our entire 4 step system online, so that you can steal it from under our nose and begin using it for yourself today!

Mature teachers can use it to:

  • Break down barriers and adopt the right strategy…
  • Re-ignite their careers and become focused again to get students enrolled…
  • Reduce their learning curve and expose themselves to opportunities others wished they had…
  • Overcome the ‘technology’ barrier and get past doubters who think they are too old to teach…

Even better, this system works no matter what you think might be holding you back, because it helps you truly outshine all of the more knowledgeable competition you have out there…

The following is for any English teacher who wishes to stand out from the crowd and beat the
competition that’s out there…

Along with those who feel under-valued and under-paid as an ESL teacher…

It’s for teachers who are sick of living pay-check to pay-check even though they know they are making a great impact on the lives of their students…

And if you read the following words in their entirety…

We’re confident this will change your life.

Now, even though you’re motivated… there are a few simple things that are holding you back…

But You Don’t Have to Worry!

We’re Here to Help You Decode and Overcome these Obstacles and Turn Them Into Breakthroughs…

We know you might already be thinking that you were lied to when you started your TEFL course…

You were told that there are countless opportunities, and that recruiters and students would be waiting for you to come and help them…

But that didn’t happen for you!!!

Well, what if we told you that those claims ARE true!

What if we told you there are thousands of potential students out there who would love to learn from you???

All you have to do is to look in the right places and that’s exactly why we’re here with the Online Teacher PATH Program!

Okay, what’s the first thing you need before you start applying for jobs and teaching opportunities?


Before you even start applying for jobs there are things you need to consider, questions you need to ask yourself and you must choose the right niche for you.

This is where you learn how to stand out from the crowd and double your hourly rates by leveraging your existing skills and hobbies…

Oh, and better yet… if you’re worried about the direction of your career – this module will help you figure that out too!

Whether you work with a company that allocates you students, join a platform that offers opportunities, or go out on your own to find your own students – by the end of this module, you will know exactly where you need to be

The second step is about implementing what you’ve discovered in step one and creating the best opportunities for you!


Even though you are no doubt a great candidate to teach English, with a passion for helping others and very excited to get started, you have to prove yourself to the language learning platforms or schools you will be applying to.

This module will help you create a professional and targeted application package that makes you stand out from all the other teachers

Oh, and the best part? You get to see and use real life examples and templates of resumes, cover letters, and introduction video scripts so that you can stand out and depict the skills that you have.

And we give you the hard truth about your current resume and why it will make you miss out on jobs!

The third step is to take your skills up a notch and truly distinguish yourself from the competition…


While your TEFL/TESOL course taught you about lesson plans and how to write them, and maybe even gave you some practical advice or experience about teaching English online, this module steps it up a notch…

In these lessons, you will learn how to turn your workspace into an online classroom, where to find lesson plans to make planning easier for you, and common mistakes all teachers make and how you can avoid them!

The fourth step is to keep on improving the process of acquiring and retaining students by offering them great value…


To be a consistently great teacher and keep on booking more students and perhaps even raising your hourly rate, you will need to build good habits.

In this module, you will discover over 30 tips that will ensure you are better than your competitors, learn how to create an engaging introduction video and bio for prospective students, and uncover the secrets about how to use LinkedIn and Facebook to attract more students who will pay you more money!

So, these are our four steps:

Preparing, Applying, Teaching, and
Habit-Building or…

PATH for short…

Program Content

  1. Preparing Yourself for the Industry
  2. Questions You Need to Ask Yourself!
  3. Choosing Your Niche(s)
  4. Choosing Your Teaching Platform(s)
  1. Applying for the Position
  2. How to Create Your ESL Resume (includes 3 templates and 5 examples)
    • How is an ESL Resume Different to a Normal Resume?
    • What Should I Include in an ESL Resume?
    • What Should I Exclude from an ESL Resume?
  3. How to Create Your Cover Letter
  4. How to Create Your Introduction Video (for recruiters)
  5. How to Ace Your ESL Job Interview
  1. Teaching Your Students
  2. Your Online Classroom
  3. Lesson Plans – How to Find What to Teach
  4. Common Mistakes Teachers Make
  1. Habit-Building for Success
  2. Introduction Video and Bio (for students)
  3. How to Use Facebook to Attract More Students
  4. How to Use LinkedIn to Attract More Students
  5. Top Tips to be Better than the Rest

Here’s what you will get in this program…

  • 19 Easy to Follow Video Lessons
  • 12 Facebook Marketing Techniques Bonus Videos
  • 30+ Templates and Examples
  • 80+ ESL Language Learning Platforms and Schools
  • 1000 keywords, power words, and phrases
  • Immediate, Full Lifetime 24/7 Access
  • Access to our Affiliate Program
  • And much more!

So, once you go through this training,
you will be able to…

Compare the Value!

Now you could Do It Yourself and spend the time yourself researching what’s required (if you can find the right information) and implementing all the strategies…


You could pay someone to do everything for you, and pay for courses (such as ‘Marketing on Facebook’), but be aware they won’t be tailored to the ESL industry!

Here’s just a taste of how much time and money you will save!






Pay Someone


Finding Your Niche



Finding the Right Teaching Platform




How to Create a Professional Application Package



Online Classroom Setup



Social Media Marketing








Finding Your Niche


Finding the Right Teaching Platform


How to Create a Professional Application Package


Online Classroom Setup


Social Media Marketing







Finding Your Niche


Finding the Right Teaching Platform


How to Create a Professional Application Package


Online Classroom Setup


Social Media Marketing




And REMEMBER this is only a part of what you get in the program!

There’s even more…
Other than the amazing step by step method…
You get these bonuses that offer huge value!

“What is Social Media Marketing and How It Will Help You”

“How to Get High Paying Students and What to Charge”

“Where To Get Your First Students”

“How to Keep Your Students”


I Want to Transform My Teaching Career and My Life With the…

Online Teacher PATH Program

Get started today and let us help you get on the right ESL Path!

Get access now to receive a 10% discount! This is a limited time offer and could end at any time soon.

Just copy the code, ACCESS10 and use it during the checkout process to claim your discount!

(You’ll Get Access Immediately!)

See What Our Students Have to Say


What Do You Like Most About the Program?

“I just love your program!

It is extremely helpful, thorough and well done.”

– U.S.A.


What Do You Like Most About the Program?

“The logical sequence of the sections and the fact that 1 step leads onto the next.
For want of a better word – the idiots guide…and logically broken down into manageable steps.”

A. Green
– Capetown, S.A.


What Do You Like Most About the Program?

“I think the content was clear, concise and really efficient. I amended my curriculum vitae as per the templates and examples provided. Thank you for the valuable material provided.”

R. Vallabh
– South Africa